excel sheet

The sheet is a more advantageous calculation with many more filtering option software, any types of calculation with filter option with all categories added in more excel sheet pages. and making master sheet from sub sheet all type calculation getting other sheets.
The sheet used for numeric and alphabetic calculation. ABCD…Z list is called Columns and 123456789….700000 is on the left side is called Raw, click on A1 shell, top heading and left side highlight, in name box A1 appear, type 1 and enter automatic A2 shell select.
Then enter A3 shell select black border box highlight, if type number in A1 = “1”, A2 = “2”, A3 = “3”, A4 = “4”, if need 1 to 100 number without type number : First type in A1 shell “1” then in A2 shell type “2” then select A1 and A2 with mouse or press ctrl key or shift key as per require, then mouse drag selected right bottom corner black + sign apear, then mouse left key press and drag bottom when 100 apear, remove mouse left key, 1 to 100 automatic vertical number created in A column, if selected black + sign drag mouse left key to right only 1 and 2 copy in column means in B1 shell = “1” and B2 shell = “2”, C1 shell = “1” and C2 shell = “2”, D1 shell = “1” and D2 shell = “2”…Z1 shell = “1” and Z2 shell = “2”…
How to open excel sheet?
Option 1: Open Excel:
- go to Start
- go to Program Files
- go to Microsoft Ofice
- Select “Microsoft excel”
Option 2 for win7 or win 10 :
- go to Start
- type “exc” in Search programs and files
- “Select Microsoft excel” from the list
- open Excel sheet
Option 3 for win7 or win 10 :
- Press window key + R
- run dialog box open
- type “excel” in the Run dialog box.
Who are using excel sheet?
Sheet need to who are working with the account, calculation, name listing, number listing, subject listing, category listing, any types of expenses listing, Boy’s listing, Girl’s listing, people’s listing, customer’s listing, shop listing, residential and commercial listing, Garden Listing, Road listing, furniture listing, table listing, chair listing, sofa listing, bed listing, door listing,
Window listing, ventilation listing, kitchen listing with all accessories listing, bathroom listing with hardware listing, toilet door listing with toilet fixture listing, balcony listing, storage listing, loft listing, photo frame listing, wall listing, wall clock listing, table lamp listing in excel sheet
Stationary list: Laterpad, bill book, stickers, chalk, pen, pencil, compass box, standard book, notebook, guide, sketch pen, sketch pencil, sketch color, Stapler, Eraser, Push-pin, Drawing pin, Paper clip, Rubber stamp, Highlighter, Fountain pen, scissors, envelope, clipboard, folder, marker, ballpoint, bulldog clip, tape dispenser, pencil sharpener, label, calculator, glue, filing cabinet,
Telephone, water basket, swivel chair, fax roll, refill pen ball, whitener pen, duster, punching machine, gum paste, notice board, tape transparent, binder clip,
ruler, page marker, cutter paper, an office file, answer copy, leather folder, etc…