Floor Area of any residential room

How to Calculate Residential Floor Area?
- open auto cad file,
- create layers as per need like:
- parking area
- living, dining area
- bed room floor with skirting area
- master bed room floor with skirting area
- foyer floor with skirting area
- kitchen floor with skirting area
- kitchen dedo area
- wash floor area
- wash dedo area
- wash water proofing area
- toilet floor area
- toilet dedo area
- toilet water proofing area
- entrance steps with tread riser skirting area
- inner staircase tread, riser skirting area
- staircase railing
- balcony floor, skirting, railing area
- terrace area
- terrace water proofing area
- low height wall top stone like curbing area
- inner wall plaster area
- exterior wall plaster area
- exterior cladding area
- draw p line all floors in auto cad drawing. by layer style in drawing,
- type list of doors, windows, vents like length, height as per need for getting information,
open ground floor plan auto cad drawing
- select p line by layer bed room area type ctrl + 1, drawing properties dialog box will be open, note area and parameter in excel sheet, or select p line and type in command line “LIST” than enter,
- copy area like area : area 8709982.00 and perimeter 14246.00 is in mm, if you need to getting area in meter divide area 8709982 by 1000000 (formula is 1000000 square mm = 1 square meter) means 8.71 sqmt will be getting, and type in excel sheet as per require. and perimeter 14246.00 is in mm = 14.27 meter (formula is 1000 mm = 1meter) that means area is 8.71 sqmt, and perimeter is 14.27 meter.